People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
— Maya Angelou


Negesti is a multifaceted artist, seamlessly blending the worlds of dance, choreography, and education. Her roots trace back to the rich cultural heritage of Jamaica and Trinidad, infusing her artistic expression with a profound appreciation for polyrhythms and the power of dance.

In 2014, she received a BA in Theater & Dance & African studies. Negesti's commitment to her craft blossomed during her time as an alumna of Trinity La MaMa, a distinguished program nurturing the artistic, academic, and personal development of young dance and theater luminaries.

Negesti's artistic brilliance shines brightly in her role as the visionary creator of "Eyes Unlocked," a transformative guided dance meditation class. This extraordinary experience invites participants on an odyssey of self-awareness and healing. It participants from the shackles of self-critique, inviting them to immerse themselves in the rhythmic cadence of their breath, while delving deep into the sacred realms of their inner selves.


As a freelance artist, Negesti has graced illustrious stages, including Lincoln Center's Okay Africa festival, where her mesmerizing performances have left indelible imprints. She has danced as a background luminary in Janet Jackson's "Made for Now" music video, electrified Essence Fest, and bewitched audiences at Afropunk, among others.